Satin Curly Cap Collection


Our satin curly cap collection provides safety for your curls WHILE allowing the ability to shape your hair into flexible styles that you can't do in normal baseball caps. 

What is so special about the hat?

Satin Lining: When your curls rub against cotton surfaces, it causes friction which causes breakage. Your curls are delicate, and satin provides a more slippery foundation for your curls to GLIDE around inside the hat versus rubbing against the hat. 
The Open Back: In a normal baseball cap, you can only shove so much hair through the small hole in the back of the cap. With our satin lined OPEN back hat, the opening is very large.

Why our hats are better than a normal baseball cap

1) Fit ALL of your hair through the back without causing breakage
2) You can style your hair in NUMEROUS ways: 
- High bun
- Locs
- Braids
- Puff/Ponytail
-Half up/ Half down

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